
The monthly reporting tool for horticulture.

  • Climate Crisis

  • Strategy for Action

  • Curious?

It's real. July 2021 was the hottest month ever recorded. Arctic sea ice was 18.8% lower than normal. Heat waves cooked parts of the US, Europe, Asia. Fires were unprecedented. Hurricanes arrived earlier than expected and followed unusual tracks. Days of extreme heat (+50°C) have doubled since the 1980's.

It's anthropogenic. Atmospheric concentration of CO2 is now approaching 420 ppm. In 1850, it was around 280 ppm. More CO2 has been emitted since 1990 compared to all previous years combined.

It's urgent. We have a rapidly narrowing window of opportunity to prevent catastrophic climate change. We can act.

How to reduce your carbon footprint

Do more with less.

  • Substitute dirty fuels. Biodiesel instead of diesel. Gas instead of heating oil. "Green gas" (sourced from anaerobic digestion) instead of conventional.
  • Convert to suppliers that offer 100% renewable sourced electricity. Not universally possible but a "quick win" in regions where this option exists.
  • Invest in renewables. Solar PV. Solar thermal. Heat pumps. Wind. Any potential supplier will happily help make the business case.
  • Be more precise with the application of Nitrogen-based fertilizers.
  • Minimize refrigerant loss.
  • Reduce waste.

About offsetting

Carbon offsetting is the voluntary investment in carbon credits or "verified emissions reductions" which can be generated by projects in several ways. Buying credits cancels out your carbon footprint. It is a step which typically follows several years of carbon measurement and reduction. Taking it does not negate the importance of exploring new opportunities for emissions reductions.

Carbon offset projects fight climate change by locking up carbon (such as through tree planting), through making improvements to energy efficiency, or through substituting fossil fuels.

In each case, a project needs to demonstrate "additionality". That is, the project would not exist if not for the carbon finance. Each project also needs to go through a process of verification before it can be registered, or before any emission reductions (credits) can be issued.

Once purchased (commonly through online platforms) the Verified Emissions Reductions are transferred to the buyer who can decide to "retire" them, thereby offsetting and becoming Carbon Neutral.

The price of carbon depends on the type of project, and how much financial support it requires to be feasible. Hence the range in prices.

The increased demand for carbon credits, driven by voluntary corporate action, is driving up the value of verified emissions reductions. This in turn is making more projects feasible. More trees, more renewables, and more innovation in energy efficiency. This all means positive climate action. So, by investing in offsets, we are building the most potent tool in the fight against climate change. It is not perfect, but it is meaningful.

How did haygrove become a carbon neutral business?

In 2020, after more than a decade of emissions reduction effort, Haygrove Ltd (fruit growers and sellers of horticultural growing systems) offset its Carbon footprint to become a carbon neutral business. Prior to offsetting, monthly carbon measurement had tracked a +20% reduction in Scope 1 + 2 emissions, (since 2017). They then researched the voluntary Carbon Market and partnered with UK-based carbon offset experts (ClimateCare) to identify a small portfolio of projects.
To offset your emissions, support any of a range of registered carbon offset projects listed on various platforms, such as:

Arrange a demo

If you'd like a trial of Hortiplanet, please provide us with a few details. We'll contact you to arrange a brief walk-through, and will then issue log-in details so that you can evaluate the service in your own time.
